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August 9, 2024
International Olympics Day and Pakistan Independence Day
August 12, 2024VC MUST, Mirpur presided over the 13th Meeting of Finance and Planning Committee (F&P) for FY 2024-25

Brig (R) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younus Javed SI(M) Vice Chancellor, Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur AJ&K presided over the 13th Meeting of the Finance and Planning Committee to discuss financial matters of the University on Thursday, August 08, 2024 at 1000 hrs in the Conference Room of MUST Secretariat Jari Khas. Prof. Dr. Muhammad khalique, Chief Finance Officer MUST / Secretary Finance and Planning Committee presented the agenda items of the 13th Meeting of F&P & briefed the attendees. A detailed discussion on the agenda items was carried out by the committee members. In the 13th meeting of Finance and Planning Committee following members participated :-
1. Brig (R) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younus Javed SI (M) Vice Chancellor MUST, Mirpur AJ&K (Chairman F&P Committee)
2. Sumaina Durnai, Director Budget, HEC Islamabad – Nominee of Advisor Finance (through Video-link (Member)
3. Munir Ahmad, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Education, Govt. of Pakistan, through Video-link (Member)
4. Muhammad Sarfraz Awan, Additional Secretary (Regulation) Finance Department Azad Govt. of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, through Video-Link (Member)
5. Ch. Muhammad Tayyub, Secretary Education (Colleges) Azad Govt. of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, through Video-Link (Member)
6. Prof. Dr. Tahseen Ghous, Dean Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities – Member University Syndicate (Members)
7. Dr. Zafar Iqbal, Director MUST Business School (Member of the University Syndicate) Member
8. Dr. Faisal Riaz Director, Offices of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) (Non-Voting Members)
9. Engr. Syed Zeeshan Ashiq Ashiq, Director Planning and Development, (MUST) (Member)
10. Dr. Khuram Pervez Amber, Director Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) / (Non-Voting Member)
11. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Khalique Treasurer MUST/ (Secretary F&P)
Mr. Rashid Farooq, Assistant Director Budget, Mr. Qasir Niaz, Assistant Treasurer Finance AT(F), Mr. Nadeem Janjua, Account Officer, Mr. Hafeez Bin Mustafa, Public Relations Officer MUST, Mr. Amir Rashid, Network Administrator NTC attended 13th Meeting of University Finance and Planning Committee.