Vice Chancellor MUST Inaugurated MUST Sports Gala 2023
February 28, 2023
Webinar: Do We Remember Kunan Poshpora
March 1, 2023Brigadier Younus Javed Presided 20th Syndicate Meeting of MUST, Mirpur AJ&K

Brig (R) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younus Javed SI(M) Vice Chancellor, Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur chaired 20th Meeting of University Syndicate on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 1100 hrs in Conference Room of MUST Secretariat Jari Khas.
Brigadier Younis Javed, Vice Chancellor MUST, extended warm welcome to all members of the University Syndicate. Speaking on the occasion he said timely holding of statuary bodies’s meetings pave ways for resolving various academic and administrative matters of the University. Acting on the decisions of the statuary bodies will surely improve the functioning of the University & will lead MUST, Mirpur to fall among best emerging institutions of higher education in the country.
Prof. Dr. Khazir Ul Haq Registrar MUST / Secretary Syndicate tabled Minutes of 19th Meeting of the Syndicate held on August, 05, 2022 & it’s implementation report. Observations on the Minutes of 19th Syndicate Meeting were discussed in detail by the members of Syndicate.
Registrar MUST/Secretary Syndicate presented Agenda Items of 20th Meeting of the Syndicate for discussion, approval & endorsement of the Syndicate. Appointment of Chairpersons/Coordinators, Minutes of 10th Finance and Planning Committee (F&PC) Meeting, Study Leave/Extension in Study Leave, Adoption of GoAJ&K Finance Department circular regarding Minimum Wages for Contingent Paid Staff @ 25000 per Month, Reconstitution of the Appeal Committee, Draft Policies/SOPs to Meet Diverse Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Minutes of the various Administrative Committees and various other nature of Administrative matters of the University were included in the agenda items of 20th Syndicate Meeting of the University.
Participants of the Syndicate meeting are as follows :-
1. Brig. (R) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younis Javed SI (M)Vice Chancellor MUST, Mirpur AJ&K. (Chairman Syndicate)
2. Prof. Dr. Anwar Khitab, Dean Faculty of Medical Sciences. (Member)
3. Prof. Dr. Tahseen Ghous, Dean Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. (Member)
4. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam, Dean Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences (Member)
5. Prof. Dr. Zafar Iqbal, Director, MUST Business School. (Member)
6. Prof. Dr. Muhammad khalique, Treasurer MUST. (Member)
7. Mr. Kamran Hameed, Controller of Examinations MUST. (Member)
8. Prof. Dr. Faisal Riaz Director, Offices of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) (Observer)
9. Dr. Azhar Hussain, Director Quality Enhancement Cells (QEC) (Observer)
10. Prof. Dr. Khazir Ul Haq, Registrar MUST/ (Secretary Syndicate)
Brigadier Younus Javed, Vice Chancellor MUST, Mirpur AJ&K lauded the role of Prof. Dr. Khizer ul Haq, Registrar MUST and his entire team for holding the session professionally.
Mr. Muhammad Naveed, Deputy Registrar (Admin/Meetings), Ms. Tahira Batool, Coordinator HR, Mr. Thair Mehmood, Senior DEO & Dr. Waqas Farid, DEO of the Office of the Registrar were the organizers of the 20th Syndicate Meeting of the Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur.