Dean's Message:
Welcome at the faculty of Natural and Applied Science (FN&AS), MUST, Mirpur. I feel an honor to serve as a Dean for this prestigious FN&AS, whose faculty members are quite committed to impart the quality of education with full endeavor and zeal. The faculty is enriched with professional, qualified and trained personnel having deep understanding in their relevant areas and sense of responsibility to groom the young ones for their better career. Our graduates are equipped with scientific thinking and approach, which make them dynamic in perspective to move along with the modern scientific innovation and development. The FN&AS consists of nine academic departments: Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science and Information Technology, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Zoology and Forestry. The main areas of study are: Molecular Genetics, Genomics, Stem Cell Technology, Ecosystems, combatting diseases, Biodiversity and Conservation, Material and Chemical Science, Nano Science, Solid State and Nuclear Physics, Mathematical Modeling and Interpretation, Statistics, Artificial Intelligence and Computational Science. The faculty take pride in the high quality of teaching and research, which enabled the faculty to publish its research findings in high impact factor journals and thus significantly contributed in elevating the ranking of the university. The faculty annually admits about 900 students and offers the BS (4-year), M.Sc., MCS, and M.Phil. (2-year) and Ph.D. degree programmes. Each department of FN&AS constantly updates its curricula according to the HEC guidelines to meet the needs of the day and develop the young learners as global responsible human being. Each department observes regular classes and lab works, and further encourages research, group discussions, field trips, internships, seminars, workshops, and conferences for undergraduates to promote the team spirit like: cooperation, competition and fair evaluation. They enjoy a congenial atmosphere with one another along with our experienced faculty who have a missionary motivation for producing an excellent academic atmosphere. This research training at the FN&AS is preparing the graduates to become an articulate communicator, a careful thinker, a person who is concerned with good health and healthy interpersonal relationships that cross cultural boundaries. I invite you to explore the exciting programs and become part of tremendous growth which is expected to continue even at faster pace. We will help you equip with latest technologies and skills to face the challenges and create the world of tomorrow. Our goal is to contribute to the sustainable and peaceful development of human society through the research and educational activities of science. We always consider how we can foster dreams and hopes in the young people who are the future of Pakistan.
Dr. Rashida Hussain
Dean Faculty of Natural & Applied Sciences