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October 6, 2023Graduate Placement Bureau of Mirpur University holds Seminar “Career Counseling for the Future Leaders”

Graduate Placement Bureau of Mirpur University of Science and Technology MUST, Mirpur AJ&K arranged a Seminar titled : Career Counselling for the future leaders at Mechanical Hall MUST City Campus. Mustafa Umar Riaz, General Manager China Three Gorges South Asia Investment Ltd. Serena Business Complex, Islamabad, was the resource person for the seminar. The program commenced with a recitation of Holy Quran. Mustafa Umar Riaz shared his experience about career development, the importance of strategic planning, and the role of new ventures in today’s competitive market aiming to provide guidance on how students can best prepare for successful careers in the business sectors national and international level. Seminar was attended by Dr. Saeed Director Graduate Placement Bureau, Prof. Dr. Naeem Iqbal Ratyal Chairman Electrical Engineering, Dr. Zafar Ali Khan Assistant Professor Electrical Engineering, Engr. Mirza Ateeq Ahmed Baig Assistant Professor Electrical Engineering, Somyyia Akram Assistant Director GPB, Muhammad Awais Asghar Jr. Lecture MIT, Faculty and Students.