5th February (Kashmir Solidarity Day)
February 5, 2023
Former Regional Chief, United Bank Limited (UBL) was called on Vice Chancellor MUST, Mirpur
February 9, 2023MUST, Mirpur AJ&K Observed Kashmir Solidarity Day

To observe Kashmir Solidarity Day 2023, Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur AJ&K organised an event on Monday, February 06, 2023 at 0940 hrs at City Campus. Brig (R) Prof Dr Muhammad Younus Javed SI (M) Vice Chancellor MUST, Mirpur AJ&K graced the event.
Directorate of Student’s Affairs in collaboration with departments of Physics & Mathematics, Society of Sciences, MUST Media Society and MUST Blood Welfare Society arranged the event.
Brig (R) Prof Dr Muhammad Younus Javed SI (M), Vice Chancellor Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur expressed solidarity with the people of Jammu and Kashmiri and reiterated dedication and absolute commitment for liberation of occupied Kashmir from brutal Indian forces. While addressing the participants on Kashmir Solidarity Day he said, that India is brazenly defying international laws and conventions for last seventy-five years of seizure, through blackouts, arbitrary detentions, curfews and imprisonments could not surrender the will of Kashmiris.
He further said Kashmir Solidarity Day carries paramount significance, reflects that the governments and the people of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir stand wholeheartedly with oppressed Kashmiris & they are not alone in this hour of trial and deep turmoil. He urged that while living in the era digital world it is prime responsibility of all us to project and highlight the freedom struggle of brave people of Jammu and Kashmir on all available social media platforms and let the world know the ferocious acts of occupational forces.
Prof. Dr khizer Ul Haq, Registrar MUST, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam, Dean Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Rashida Hussain, Chairperson Department of Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Naeem Iqbal Ratyal, Chairman Department of Electrical Engineering, Dr. Muhammad Irfan, Chairman Department of Physics, Dr. Muhammad Altaf, Director Student’s Affairs, Dr. Azhar Hussain, Director Quality Enhancement Cell, Dr. Kaleem ul Haq Tariq, Provost Hostels, Faculty Members, Administrative Staff and Students of departments of Physics and Mathematics participated in the event.
Dr. Muhammad Ayub, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, students of Physics & Mathematics departments, Society of Sciences, MUST Blood Welfare Society delivered speeches, Kashmiri nagmas & displayed documentaries on multiple media.
Brigadier Younus Javed, Vice Chancellor MUST handed over certificates to the organisers of the event & extolled the efforts of Dr. Muhammad Altaf, Director Student’s Affairs, Dr. Rashida Hussain, Chairperson Department of Mathematics, Dr. Muhammad Irfan, Chairman Department of Physics, Society of Sciences, MUST Media Society and MUST Blood Welfare Society.