Graduate Placement Bureau of MUST, Mirpur organised Informative Session on International Education & Career Advancement
November 14, 2024
University Graduate Admission Test (UGAT) Phase 2
November 15, 2024VC MUST, Mirpur AJ&K Chaired 23rd Meeting of the University Syndicate

Brig (R) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younus Javed SI(M), Vice Chancellor, Mirpur University of Science and Technology MUST, Mirpur AJ&K presided over the 23rd Meeting of Syndicate on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 1000 hours in Conference Room of MUST Secretariat Jari Khas.
Prof. Dr. Khazir Ul Haq, Registrar MUST/ Secretary Syndicate presented Minutes of 21st & 22nd Syndicate Meetings along with report on their implementation. The Syndicate members thoroughly discussed the observations and provided detailed feedback on the report. Later Registrar presented Agenda Items of 23rd Meeting of the Syndicate for discussion, approval & endorsement of the Syndicate. Items included appointment of Chairpersons, Coordinators, Directors/In-Charge, Study leave and extensions, minutes of the 13th Finance and Planning Committee (F&P), Introduction of Contributory Pension Fund Scheme for new entrants and various other administrative matters of the University were part of the agenda items for 23rd Syndicate Meeting.
Participants of the 23rd Syndicate Meeting are as follows:-
1. Brig (R) Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younus Javed SI (M) Vice Chancellor MUST, Mirpur AJ&K (Chairman Syndicate)
2. Prof. Dr. Anwar Khitab, Dean Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (Member)
3. Prof. Dr. Zafar Iqbal, Director, Faculty of MUST Business. (Member)
4. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sajid, Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology. (Member)
5. Prof. Dr. Rashida Hussain, Dean Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences (Member)
6. Prof. Dr. Muhammad khalique, Treasurer MUST. (Member)
7. Mr. Kamran Hameed, Controller of Examinations MUST. (Member)
8. Prof. Dr. Khizer Ul Haq, Registrar MUST/ (Secretary Syndicate)
9. Prof. Dr. Faisal Riaz Director, Offices of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) (Observer)
10. Dr. Khuram Pervez Amber, Director Quality Enhancement Cells (QEC) (Observer)
Mr. Muhammad Naveed, Deputy Registrar, Meetings /Admin, Mr. Tahir Mehmood, Assistant Registrar (Meetings) & Dr. Waqas Faryad, Registrar Office conducted 23rd Syndicate Meeting of Mirpur University of Science and Technology MUST, Mirpur AJ&K.