Message of Director ASRB

The directorate of ASRB has key role to implement the graduate rules to improve and strength the academic research and quality outcomes in light of the national policy of Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan.

The directorate is striving hard for enhancing the quality, authenticity, plagiarism-free and applied research through friendly and conducive working environment, timely completion and competitive culture in all degrees programs within approved time limit as per University and HEC rules.

The ASRB directorate assists in introducing innovative, problems-solving, need-based and skill developing research in different academic programs in different Departments of the University leading to entrepreneur for sustainable life sustenance. The engineering and Science (IT) graduates are committed to provide applied research basis to solve indigenous society and industry issues and technical problems while scholars of Social and education sciences are enhancing and enriching ethics and moralities of the graduates assisting the students to harmonize and work in all communities with good ethics and behavior to serve humanity.

The Directorate of ASRB is committed to facilitate admission, synopsis preparation and approval, approval of supervisory committees, supervisors, change of titles and notification of thesis defense for M.Phil. and Ph.D. graduates as per rules of the University and HEC.

Bibliography Anzar Mahmood:

Engr. Dr. Anzar Mahmood (Senior Member, IEEE), Director AS&RB has been serving Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST) since 2016. He has also served MUST as: Chairperson Department of Electrical Engineering for three years (2019-2022), Provost Hostels for one year (2018-2019) and Member Senate (2021-24). He received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the Ali Ahmad Shah University College of Engineering and Technology (UCET), University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir in 2005. Later on this constituent college became the pioneer department of MUST. He received the M. Engg. degree in nuclear power from NED University, Karachi, in 2007, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from COMSATS University Islamabad, in 2016. Before joining MUST, he served COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), main campus as an Assistant Professor and Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission as Senior Design Engineer. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur, Pakistan. He has published numerous research articles and international conference proceedings. His research interests include smart grids, optimization and machine learning, energy management, electric vehicles, load forecasting, renewables and prosumer communities. His research citations link is given as: For his detailed CV click the link, CV.

Engr. Dr. Anzar Mahmood



The Directorate of advanced studies and research board (ASRB) was established in Jan-2011 in Mirpur University of Science and Technology Mirpur, to manage and promote research culture in the University. The key aim of the ASRB is to advice authorities on different aspects of promotion of advance studies, research publication and provide mechanism of monitoring research of post-graduate students. The ASRB is statutory which approves, admissions, supervision of scholars and research dissertation as per policy of Higher Education Commissions (HEC) and reports progress of institution of research degrees in the University.

The directorate of ASRB has primary and pivotal role in materializing the vision and mission of the University and to provide excellence plate form to achieve high caliber and applied research at par with HEC and national policies of the country. The directorate has strong commitment and belief to provide competitive and conducive research culture for scholars and researchers of the different degree programs to ensure uplifting of the University at national and global level to serve the country and humanity.

All the commitment and efforts of the directorate are directed to provide basis for quality research and applied perspectives for solving different local and national issues of environment and society. The high standards are quality research are maintained through strict and vigorous monitoring of all the aspects of research graduate research programs.