AJ&K Minister for Health and Turkiye Envoy visited Office of the Vice Chancellor of MUST, Mirpur
December 21, 2023
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December 28, 2023MUST, Mirpur Wins Prestigious Funding from Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) for its Ten Numbers of Final Year Design Projects (FYDPs)
Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST) is delighted to announce a significant achievement as the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), following a rigorous scrutiny process, has granted financial funding to ten Final Year Design Projects (FYDPs) submitted by faculty members and students across various engineering departments at MUST. The approved projects encompass a diverse range of engineering disciplines, including two projects from the Civil Engineering Department both under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Anwar Khitab, two projects from the Electrical Engineering Department, one supervised by Dr. Anwar-ul-Haq and the other by Dr. Sohaib Manzoor, two projects from the Mechanical Engineering Department, one supervised by Dr. Khuram Pervez, and the other by Dr. Ghulam Qadir Chaudhery. Additionally, one project from the Software Engineering Department, under the guidance of Dr. Tehmina Shehryar, and three projects from the Computer System Engineering Department, supervised by Dr. Ishfaq Ahmed, Engr. Hafeez Ahmed, and Engr. Waqas Ahmed.
The PEC award ceremony, titled “2nd Phase for Financing of Final Year Projects,” took place on 13th December 2023 at the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Engr. Dr. Khuram Pervez, Chairperson Department of Mechanical Engineering received the award on behalf of MUST.
This financial support marks a pivotal moment for MUST, as it underscores the university’s commitment to fostering industry-oriented FYDPs and strengthening university-industry linkages. The allocation of funding for ten projects represents a substantial increase from the three projects secured by MUST in the previous year, solidifying the university’s position as the sole institution in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K) to achieve such prestigious funding for multiple projects this year.
Professor Dr. Naeem Iqbal Ratyal attributes this notable accomplishment to the dynamic leadership of Vice Chancellor MUST, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younus Javed. Dr. Naeem extends congratulations to all the supervisors and their respective students for their unwavering dedication and hard work. In response to this remarkable achievement Prof. Dr. Muhammad Younus Javed, Vice Chancellor MUST extends his congratulations to the supervisors and students of all awarded projects. He deems it a proud moment for the university, the students and the entire AJ&K region, emphasizing that this extraordinary accomplishment serves as a testament to the dedication and skills of the engineering faculty and our students at MUST. The university is committed to maintaining and surpassing these elevated standards, further contributing to the advancement of engineering education in the region.