
The department of IR was set up in 2020, at Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST) Pallandri Campus, offering 4-year BS (Hon’s) in International Relations program started from the Fall Semester 2020. It is one of the leading departments of the faculty of Humanities and Social Science at the Mirpur University of Science and Technology. The Department has highly qualified faculty which provides a favorable environment for students to attain academic excellence. To understand and analyze the contemporary global trends, the students are offered with a comprehensive range of courses in the discipline of International Relations. The Department of International Relations is paving the way for students to pursue their educational dreams with the utmost passion.


The core objectives of Department of International Relations are to enlighten students with the emerging trends in the discipline of International Relations. To encompass the diverse issues in the Region, International Political Economy, Current World Politics, International Security and Foreign Affairs. Moreover, to construct an intelligible perspective that enables students to contribute successfully in the future.


The Department of International Relations holds an insight to serve the educational obligation to the future leaders in the Federal Administration, Public Institutions and International Organizations. The department endeavor to provide the highest education to the students.