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February 8, 2024MUST, Mirpur excels in Digital Communication Skills through USAID’s (HESSA) Training Workshop for Partner Universities at National Capital

The USAID-funded Higher Education System Strengthening Activity (HESSA) organised a training workshop (including two virtual sessions) for 16 partner Universities at Islamabad. All three sessions of the workshop had a primary focus on enhancing & refining cutting-edge skills amongst Universities’ Officials. Speakers of the Seminar provided participants with valuable insights on digital communication skills, modern ways and means for projection of institutions and digital marketing. Mr. Daud Ali Siddiqui, Senior Private Secretary to the Vice Chancellor & Mr. Hafeez Bin Mustafa, Public Relations Officer took part in both virtual sessions, while SPS to Vice Chancellor also attended the in-person session at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad on Tuesday, January 30, 2024.
Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur AJ&K as one of the 16 partner universities of USAID’s Higher Education System Strengthening Activity(HESSA), takes an active role in training sessions, seminars and workshops organised by HESSA on both national and international platforms.The workshop provided a collaborative atmosphere and a platform where participants shared their knowledge, skills and experiences to further improve operations of their universities. MUST, Mirpur AJ&K remains committed in implementing the acquired knowledge to enhance its digital communication capabilities.