Program Learning Outcomes

4-year BS degree in Physics are designed to provide graduates with a strong foundation in scientific principles, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking abilities, as well as the communication and ethical values necessary to succeed in their chosen careers.

Here are some program learning outcomes for a 4-year Bachelor of Science (BS) degree program in Physics:

  • Knowledge: Graduates will have a deep understanding of the fundamental principles and theories of Physics, including mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and optics.
  • Problem-solving: Graduates will be able to apply their knowledge of Physics to solve complex problems, using mathematical and computational tools to analyze data and develop solutions.
  • Laboratory Skills: Graduates will have hands-on experience with laboratory equipment and techniques, enabling them to design and conduct experiments, analyze data, and draw conclusions.
  • Communication: Graduates will be able to effectively communicate scientific concepts and findings to both technical and non-technical audiences, through written reports, presentations, and other forms of media.
  • Critical Thinking: Graduates will be able to think critically and evaluate scientific information, recognizing the limitations and uncertainties of scientific knowledge.
  • Ethics: Graduates will understand the ethical principles and values that underlie scientific inquiry, including integrity, objectivity, and responsibility.
  • Interdisciplinary Knowledge: Graduates will be able to apply their knowledge of Physics to interdisciplinary fields such as engineering, data science, and medicine, and work collaboratively with professionals from these fields.

Duration: 4 years

Semester Duration: 16-18 weeks

Semesters: 8

Course Load Per Semester: 15-18 Credit Hours

Number of Courses per semester: 5-6 (not more than 3 lab/practical courses)